Volcano Choir are an indie band – a collaboration by Justin Vernon (of Bon Iver) and Collections of Colonies of Bees. Their music combines Vernon’s soft vocals with Collections of Colonies of Bees’ post rock sound. Their debut album was ‘Unmap’ which was released in September 2009.
It’s been four years since Unmap provided a glimpse into the collaborative mind set between a singer and the band that inspired him.
Writing sessions between 2010-2013 have now come to fruition. ‘Repave’ – the new album – has been announced – It is the sound of confident musicians extending their reach to anthemic peaks and pulling back to reveal moments of the utmost vulnerability, sure enough of themselves to let those moments stand on their own.
‘Repave’ cements the idea of Volcano Choir that started with Unmap. It takes that musical playground and houses it in the context of a specific sound. Of a unified band. Repaved and filling that “hole in your heart.”
Volcano Choir – ‘Repave’ (Official Album Trailer)